Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The State Of Georgia Have Quality Early Childhood Education
†¢ Purpose The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all children in the state of Georgia have quality Early Childhood Programs that are accessible, affordable, comprehensive, and sustainable. Crafting strategic and thoughtful policy in the forefront will ensure the academic achievement, social development and future success of the state’s youth. †¢ Scope This policy will aim to address the social, academic and general health needs of all children from birth to the age of 8 years in the state of Georgia. Key players (stakeholders) include students, parents, educators, community members, community leaders and policymakers in Georgia. †¢ Definitions o Early Childhood Education o Low socioeconomic status o Certified teacher o Prison Pipeline o Holistic Education o Cradle to College †¢ Background and Rationale The Need: Time and time again, people agree upon the need for and the benefits of an early childhood education system, but very little change takes place. In Georgia, there is a prevalent need for effective programming for children of low socioeconomic status backgrounds. Research strongly claims that children from poor communities that enroll in center care demonstrate positive cognitive effects (Loeb et al, 2004). According to Zimmerman and Pepper Jr., two capitalists invested in prekindergarten programs, ―A child’s brain grows to roughly 85 percent of its full capacity in the first five years of life. These are also the years when a child’s sense of what isShow MoreRelatedShould the Government Fund Public Preschools?1739 Words  | 7 PagesMoney cannot buy happiness, but it can buy education. In this great country of ours, education is not a privilege it is a right. All children are given the opportunity to a free education. An education that should allow them to become high school graduates, 21st Century scholars, and prepare them as leaders to sustain this nation. What happens though when this is not the future for all children? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Arthur Millers The Crucible Essay - 1404 Words
Arthur Millers The Crucible During The Crucible Proctor is easily cast as a villain and other characters clearly see this side of him. This is evident when Abigail shows her attraction for Proctor and her flirtatiousness is obvious to the audience as she talks to Proctor, she moves closer to Proctor and the stage directions suggest that there is a Faint smile Upon Proctors face, this smile widens as Abigail truthfully explains what happened the night before. Their past is clearly revealed when Abigail asks John for a Soft word And Proctor answers, That is done with Abby, youll put it out of mind . Ill not be commn`for you more, this implies that Proctor†¦show more content†¦This clearly shows aspects of a selfish villain not a hero It becomes evident through the course of the play that proctor does not attend church regularly which would be considered a crime in any puritan society and yet he still makes excuses instead of accepting his responsibility. Hale: twenty-six times in seventeen month, sir. I must call that rare. Will you tell me why you are so absent? Proctor Mr hale, I never knew I must account to that man for I come to church or sty at home. My wife were sick this winter It is also stated that john proctor ploughs on a Sunday which is the holy Sabbath day. This would be seen as unacceptable behaviour within a Christian society. Later within in the play proctor is asked to recite his 10 commandments, which he fails to do accurately the basic Christian faith. he appears confrontational and defensive when questioned. He does well until he comes to the last few Proctor: Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image Hale: You have said that twice, sir Proctor: Aye All the evidence suggests that john proctor does not show signs of a hero but of a villain. Close to the Plays conclusion, Proctor is accused of witchcraft by his servant, marry warren Proctors reaction is looked on as irrational, as he his anger gets the better of him as heShow MoreRelatedArthur Millers The Crucible1002 Words  | 4 Pagesreligious authority; this is now deemed unconstitutional in America. A community run by Puritans, Salem, Massachusetts, became so far corrupted in 1692 that a heinous witch-hunt resulted. In response to these events, Arthur Miller wrote a play called The Crucible. Shaped by Miller’s experience of being tried before the congressional committee during the hunt for communists in the 1950s, his writing directly paralleled Salem’s witch-hunts to the McCarthy hearings. In his play, Abigail Williams wasRead More Arthur Millers The Crucible Essay2614 Words  | 11 PagesArthur Millers The Crucible Arthur Miller demonstrates the familiarities of the life he lived in the 1950s and of everyday life we live in through his plays. He communicates through his work to the way people are in society. The extreme witch hysteria deteriorated the rational and emotional stability of its citizens. This exploited the populations weakest qualities, and insecurities. The obvious breakdown in social order led to the tragedy that saw innocent souls hang on the accusationRead More Arthur Millers The Crucible Essay1231 Words  | 5 PagesArthur Millers The Crucible The Crucible is based on the Salem Witch Trials in 1692. In act 1 the audience find out that John Procter had an affair with Abigail Williams, who was dancing in the woods, and that she still has feelings for him. When John denies their love Abigail starts accusing people of witchcraft. Act 2 is when we meet Elizabeth Procter who gets arrested on suspicion of witchcraft. In act 3 John goes to court trying to free his wife and the others but without much luckRead More Arthur Millers The Crucible Essay3348 Words  | 14 PagesArthur Millers The Crucible The Crucible was written in 1952 by the twentieth century American playwright Arthur Miller (1915-.) Miller was born in New York and educated at the University of Michigan where he began to write plays. Most of Millers plays are set in contemporary America and on the whole offer a realistic portrayal of life and society and the theme of self-realization is re-current e.g. John Proctor in The Crucible. The Crucible was the third play Miller wroteRead More Arthur Millers The Crucible Essay947 Words  | 4 PagesArthur Millers The Crucible The Crucible was written by Arthur Miller. Arthur Miller was brought before a committee in 1956 to answer charges of communist sympathy and to name the people he had had meetings with up to twenty years before. Liberal writer, film directors, actors and actresses were all called before the committee. The committee often had lists of names of people who had attended meetings yet they still forced witnesses to recite names, to see if they would comply andRead MoreArthur Millers The Crucible : An Allegory For Mccarthyism750 Words  | 3 Pagesworks and is paid according to their abilities and needs.†Arthur Miller’s â€Å"The Crucible†is an allegory for McCarthyism during the red scare due to the identical proceeds that divulge within not only The Crucible’s plot but also history, such as the accused confessing to a crime they did not commit to save their life, people rising to power by taking advantage of others, and accusations having credibility with no affirmation. â€Å"The Crucible†was published in 1952 just two years after the start of theRead MoreEssay on Language in Arthur Millers The Crucible525 Words  | 3 PagesLanguage in Arthur Millers The Crucible One aspect of The Crucible that is really Important is the way that Arthur Miller writes, and the language that he has used. His style is rather simple, with simple sentence structure on the whole, and quite simple vocabulary, he wanted to keep everything simple in this way in The Crucible, to prevent focus being taken away from the plot and the problems that the characters were facing with each other. So Miller doesRead MorePuritan Intolerance In Arthur Millers The Crucible808 Words  | 4 PagesMcCarthyism is well-known and embraced by Arthur Miller. His 1953 play on the Salem witch trials act as an allegory to Joseph McCarthy’s scandal, comparing them to a â€Å"witch hunt†, thus an allusion to the Salem tragedies. Miller uses his characters in a strict way to develop his allegory of the Puritan intolerance. Strongly implanted by Miller, his theme of intolerance demonstrates what thoughts spring to life and what he is trying to put forth. In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, Miller uses his characters ofRead MoreCommunism And Communism In Arthur Millers The Crucible711 Words  | 3 PagesSimilar to, in 1953, Arthur Miller an American playwright, scripted the play titled â€Å"The Crucible†. The McCarthy hearings of the 1950s inspired the notable play. Consequently, after the hearing, McCarthyism became a vociferous campaign carried out by Senator Joseph McCarthy, which accused people of communism. To declare, Miller uses an analogy using the events of the Salem Witch Trials of 1693 to expose the ugly truth behind communism and McCarthyism. To begin, the word crucible derived from theRead More Arthur Millers The Crucible Essay examples681 Words  | 3 PagesArthur Millers The Crucible The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, is a tragic story of injustice suffered by an innocent community who are subjected to the hypocritical, prideful judges of their trial. These Judges use their power to eliminate evidence of their mistakes and return their community to puritanical ways. The leaders of Salem are not concerned with seeking the truth and justice, but with maintaining their authority and reputations; this objective leads them to consistently rejecting
Business Finance free essay sample
Choose an example of a type of new company you could start, and then use this company idea to answer the questions below. You might choose to open a hair salon, a babysitting service, a record store, or many other things. This can be the same type of company you chose in assignment 8, or it can be different. a. Describe the type of company you chose. (1-2 sentences. 0. 5 points) b. If you needed to get funding for your company, would you prefer to get debt funding or equity funding? Explain why you would prefer this type. (2-4 sentences. 2. 0 points) c. If you needed to get funding for your company, describe at least two sources of funding that you would prefer. Explain why you would prefer these sources of funding. (2-4 sentences. 2. 0 points) d. List at least four operating costs your business might have. (1. 0 points) e. Consider the industry of your company and the current economy, and then explain how these factors might impact your company’s sales. We will write a custom essay sample on Business Finance or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If you do not think these factors would impact your sales, explain why they wouldnt. (2-4 sentences. 2. 0 points) f. If you had $5,000 to start this company, which department would get the most funding? Which department would get the least funding? Which phase of the business would be the most expensive? (2-4 sentences. 2. 0 points) 2. Review the Financial Statements: Income Statement from Section 9, Lesson 2 of this course. Use the information from the example income statement for Jamies Bead Jewelry to answer the questions below. a. What are the two sources of revenue for the company? (0. 5 points) b. What is the companys total revenue? (0. 5 points) c. What is the companys net profit? (0. 5 points) d. Is the company experiencing a profit, or a loss? (0. 5 points) 3. Review the Financial Statements: Balance Sheet from Section 9, Lesson 2 of this course. Use the information from the example balance sheet for Jamies Bead Jewelry to answer the questions below. a. What is the value of the companys assets? (0. 5 points) b. What is the total of the companys liabilities? 0. 5 points) c. What is the total owner equity? (0. 5 points) 4. Calculate the following financial ratios. TIP: If you dont remember how to calculate financial ratios, review the Calculating Financial Ratio pages from Section 9, Lesson 2 of this course. a. A company makes a net profit before tax of $12,000 and has $20,000 in total equity. Calculate the companys return on equity as a percentage. (0. 5 points) b. A company makes a net profit before tax o f $5,000 and has total assets with a value of $10,000. Calculate the companys return on assets as a percentage. (0. 5 points) c. A company has $1,400 in liabilities and $1,500 in assets. Calculate the companys debt ratio as a percentage. (0. 5 points) d. A company has $1,400 in liabilities and $1,500 in equity. Calculate the companys debt to equity ratio as a percentage. (0. 5 points) e. A companys current assets are $30,000 and current liabilities are $19,000. Calculate the companys current ratio as a percentage. Does the company have enough assets to pay its liabilities? (1. 0 points)
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