Saturday, November 2, 2019

How is a neuron like atoilet for therhold and all-or none properties Essay

How is a neuron like atoilet for therhold and all-or none properties - Essay Example The neurons are stimulated when they reach a specific level which is known as the threshold. Every neuron has its own threshold on which it can be stimulated. Below the threshold the neuron is not stimulated enough to fire impulses to cause its desired effect. This is known as the all or none property followed by all the neurons of the body. The threshold and the all or none law can be compared to the toilet. When the toilet is in the normal position without any interaction it is known to be in the resting position. This can be compared to the resting membrane potential of the neurons in which the neuron is not firing impulses. Similarly when the toilet has to be flushed the lever is to be pushed hard enough so that the flushing can begin. Same is the case with neurons which have a stimulatory threshold level which can only be achieved if the resting membrane potential has reached the threshold level. As the flush won’t work with the right power the neurons will also not work with the right stimulatory power. When the process of flushing starts it reaches a peak when the water stops being drained after which the water is poured back in the toilet.

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